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Renewable Sources – OTEPI Renewables

Otepi decided to direct resources since 2007 for investment under the line of new businesses related to Renewable Energy, reasoned knowledge of the various stages of the world‘s energy future, renewable energy technologies and their feasibility based on trends worldwide statistics.

Being created the Energy Services Unit, called today OTEPI Renovables, to adequately meet the growth in this sector, structuring an attractive range of services and optimal, robust, stable and efficient energy solutions based on innovative technologies.

Allowing you a significant competitive advantage by OTEPI complementarity in the extensive knowledge and expertise in project development and project engineering with traditional technology and now with the application of advanced technologies in renewable energy. The types of technologies currently managed by Renewable OTEPI are: Solar, Wind, Waste to Energy, Wave to Energy, Biodiesel and Energática Efficiency LED Lighting. The development of this line of business is being carried out for the area of Central America and the Caribbean, with operational base in Panama, due to the special conditions offered by this country, both geographically and logistically.